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HomeMobile AppsHow To Clear Or Stop Twitter Notifications

How To Clear Or Stop Twitter Notifications [4 Easy Ways]

Since Twitter is taking over the most used social media app in the world, it is best we cover everything you need to know about the Twitter platform and this article will cover how to clear Twitter notifications.

First, it was very difficult for news to travel across the world, but now thanks to social media apps like Twitter, now with Twitter, you can get to see what’s happening in every part of the country.

Twitter uses trends to let everybody know what’s trending across the globe. 

Anytime the social media platform detects people using the same hashtag within a specific time, it piles it up and adds it to what’s trending for that particular country.

Anybody can go to the trends side and see what’s trending in their country and either share, like, or participate.

This article is going to take you through how to clear Twitter notifications. 

Why Will Someone Want To Clear His Or Her Notifications?

There are so many reasons why someone might want to clear his or her Twitter notifications, some may include getting a lot of notifications from Twitter. 

It could also be that the notification is coming from stories or from people they are not following.

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Sometimes Twitter uses how you interact on the app to show you related tweets and notifications but there might be some particular tweets that you are not interested in.

So how do you clear these notifications? There are so many ways to go about it and we are going to cover each one of them in this article.

How To Stop Twitter Notifications From Twitter Push Notifications On Your Phone

  1. On your Twitter app select your profile picture.
  2. Select Settings And Privacy
  3. Select Notifications
  4. Choose Preference
  5. Select Push Notifications
  6. Now untick the ones you don’t want to get the notifications from. You choose not to receive a notification when someone follows you, you can even choose not to receive a notification about topics you are following, spaces, and many more

How To Stop Twitter Notifications From Twitter Push Notifications On Your Computer

  1. On your desktop select Notifications on the left side
  2. Click on the Settings icon on the top right, which is right above the notifications
  3. Choose Preference
  4. Select Push Notifications
  5. Now untick the tweet activities that you don’t want to be notified about

Do you know you can choose the kind of notifications you want to receive from Twitter? Let us dive into that.

How To Filter The Notifications You Receive On Twitter

  1. On your phone click on your profile picture
  2. Select Settings and Privacy
  3. Select Notifications
  4. Choose Filters
  5. Select Muted Notifications. Here you can tick on the people you don’t want to receive notifications about.

You can choose not to receive notifications from people you don’t follow, you can also choose not to receive notifications from people with a new account.

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Doing this will save you from a lot of notifications, this way, you get to know notification from Twitter is worth checking through.

Maybe there is a trend going on, or someone has tagged you in a tweet and that tweet is trending, you are also going to get a notification anytime someone engages in that tweet.

Due to this, you will be receiving notifications on your phone. Maybe you are not interested in that tweet and will not even bother to check what people are writing about that tweet.

There is a way to go about this, with the steps that I am going to teach you, you will be able to block some words and you will not receive notifications about it,

How To Mute Words On Twitter

  1. Go to your Twitter app and select your profile picture.
  2. Select Settings And Privacy
  3. Select Notifications
  4. Choose Filters
  5. Select Muted Words
  6. Now click on the Plus icon and add all the words that you don’t want to receive notifications about.

So maybe if you don’t want to receive notifications about President Biden, you can add the name, same as if you don’t want to receive tweets about Donald Trump. 

You can add the and no tweet about Donald Trump will ever pop up on your notifications panel again.


Twitter is the app to know what’s trending in the world, and since Twitter is also good at sending us notifications on what’s trending and what people are doing, there might be some tweets or activities that we might not want to receive on our notifications.

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And in this article, we decided to cover how to clear Twitter notifications, we dived into stopping Twitter notifications and also how to mute some words on Twitter so that you won’t receive a notification about them.

You can check out how to have a blank name on Twitter and also how to know the day you joined Twitter and also how to see how many accounts have blocked you.

Emmanuel Boakye Yiadom
Emmanuel Boakye Yiadom
Emmanuel is a tech blogger, cryptocurrency educator and can sometimes be found decorating cars because he is in love with arts. He also likes reading and blogging about what's happening in the tech world and loves to help people with their techs related issues in his free time.

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