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HomeTutorialsHow To Create An Article On Opera News Hub (Genuine Guidelines)

How To Create An Article On Opera News Hub (Genuine Guidelines)

We recently published an article on making money writing for Opera news hub and everything you need to know about them.

This Article indeed covered everything that you need to know if you are in Ghana or any other country and have been finding ways to earn money from the internet.

However, we saw tremendous views and shares, indicating that people loved this Article and are making an impact.

We saw people searching on our website ‘the genuine ways to create an article for Opera news hub.’

So again, I have taken it upon myself to take you through how to write genuine Articles that will make you a better writer.

If you want to write for oper news and any other platform and earn, this will help you win most of the Opera news hubs and other awards, and it can even help you become better at writing to venture into freelancing.

Before even diving in, Opera News has many awards for its writers. Some of them are:

  • Original articles of the month
  • Long read reports of the month
  • Best articles weekly
  • Most shared articles

Opera used to award its users every week and month for the original articles they submitted.

However, they have also recently brought a new award which they call the “Special Authors Program.”

With this new special authors program, writers are chosen on the quality of articles they produce, and if you are selected, you get to receive a free $100 each month.

Sound interesting, right? Let me take you through this special authors program and how it works because I am currently one of their special authors.

How Does This Special Authors Program Work On Opera News Hub?

All you have to do is produce quality, original and in-depth content, and when Opera notice that you are doing these, you will be selected. When you are chosen to be part of the special writers, you are to produce at least 25 articles which will qualify you for a free $50.

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When you qualify for that, Opera news hub will allocate a sum of money at the end of the month and share it with all the particular authors that passed the required number of articles.

In December 2020, Opera shared $4000 to its special authors. So, upon receiving the first $50, you will also receive your share of the $4000 (this will be based on the number of articles you submitted, your category, how users interacted with your essays, and many more factors)

Here is a picture of Opera’s paid to its special authors in December.

One exciting thing about this exceptional authors program is that, after earning all these amounts, you will still receive your overall article payment.

So let’s say you earned $150 from the special author’s program, and at the end of the month, all your monetized articles make you $80,

Your overall payment will be $280.

You are making this money by just sitting at home and writing articles.

But to qualify and get paid like this, you will need to be submitting original and genuine articles, and that is what I am going to take you through so that you can be selected and start earning huge on the Opera News Hub platform.

Things To Consider When Preparing An Article

Figure Out What You Are Good In

We all have what we are good at and do our best personally. I’m not into football, which will amaze some people, like how people amaze me when I see them talking and arguing about football.

I love anything about Technology, be it Tech events, phone unveiling, or anything related to Tech.

Yours might be talking about celebrities (which I refer to as gossiping, haha).

I know a guy who can tell you anything is happening in the entertainment world.

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And since I am also into Tech, I can also tell you what’s happening in the tech world.

So what’s my point here? All that I am trying to let you know is that, when it comes to writing a genuine article, choose what interests you.

Find What People Are Talking About In Your Niche And Pen Them Down

So let’s say you are into Entertainment. The first thing you have to have is to follow many celebrities and entertainment media profiles and constantly watch and listen to entertainment shows.

That way, you will also be getting what’s trending to write about

Start Writing

So now you have gathered all the trending stories or have got who to write about, now is the time to start writing the Article.

Here Is A Step By Step Guidelines To Create An Article


Do you remember when you were asked to write letters in school, and the first thing to do was make introductions?

The same applies to content writing. So let’s say we will write on “why Ghanaians have stopped watching the local moves again”.

So with the Article, we will first have to talk about:

  • How movies started in Ghana,
  • the first cinema or movie show that came to Ghana,
  • we will also have to talk about the time Nigerian movies took over Ghana with Mr Ibu and how Ghanaians stopped watching and started watching their own.
  • How the movie industry impacted Ghanaians and how the country was benefiting from the movie industry.

Let The Reader Know What He should Expect To After Reading This Article.

So you have taken the person through the introduction, now is the time to let the person know what he is going to be taken through, so with this, we can let the reader know by saying: “in this article, we are going to take you through why Ghanaians Stopped watching the local movies again and what they can do to get the love back”.

Now Pen Down Your Points And Explain Them

So with this Article some of the reasons were:

Not using older men to act on a stage requiring older men – If you remember, the movie producers stopped using older adults for acting, and we’re using these young men like Lilwin and many more to act like older men. 

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Although it was funny, the movie industry was losing its credibility.

Lack Of Creativity: This was when all of the movie stories were the same, with no new account, they were all bringing old stories, in the beginning, the man is poor and mistreated, and at the end, he will get money, and that will be the end.

(I can go on and give more reasons, but I believe you have got it with these two points I’ve stated).

So now you have given why people were not interested, make your Article complete by providing your opinion on what can be done to bring the love back. (I believe you can give your points based on what we wrote earlier).

Conclude Your Article

Now here is where you finalize everything and conclude your Article by pointing out what the Article was about and some points you stated in the Article.

This is also to let the person who didn’t read the whole Article know what they missed.

And oh, before I wrap it up, I wrote this kind of Article on Opera news hub, and it won me two awards which were:

Original Article for the week (I was awarded $20 for that)

Long read article for the month (I was awarded $100 for winning that)

So that month, I had a $120 bonus, and at the end of the month, they calculated my earnings and then added my bonus to it. Guess how much I received that month?

If you know how to write content, you can click here to message a friend who is good at connecting website owners and content writers.

Let him know the kind of content you can write and he will connect you to a website for you to start writing and getting paid. You can also contact me through our Contact Us page and have a chat with me.

Final Words

If you have been finding ways to write and earn money but at the same time don’t know how to write genuine articles, then this Article got you covered. In this article, I went through the steps to create an original piece with step-by-step guidelines.

So what are you waiting for? Start writing and make money from your articles. If you have any questions, let me know, and I will reply within 5 seconds. Also, if you find this helpful article, please share it with us.

Emmanuel Boakye Yiadom
Emmanuel Boakye Yiadom
Emmanuel is a tech blogger, cryptocurrency educator and can sometimes be found decorating cars because he is in love with arts. He also likes reading and blogging about what's happening in the tech world and loves to help people with their techs related issues in his free time.

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